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Takata-sensei -- The Art of Healing

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Last Updated: May 27, 2005
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(Source: Threshold Reiki Class Handout - originally received in 1992 from Harue Kanemitsu - bracketed text is by Harue Kanemitsu, who took her Reiki 1 and 2 from Mrs. Takata)

(from Takata Sensei's early diary)


"In my attempt to write this essay on the Art of Healing in limited words, I will try to be practical rather than technical, because what I am about to define is not associated with any material being which is visible, nor has a shape or name,

I believe there exists one Supreme Being -- the Absolute Infinite -- a Dynamic Force that governs the world and Universe, It is an unseen spiritual power that vibrates and all other powers fade into insignificance beside it, So therefore, it is Absolute. This power is unfathomable, immeasurable, and being a universal life force, it is incomprehensible to man. Yet, every single living being is receiving its blessings daily, awake or asleep.

Different teachers and masters call Him -The Great Spirit; The Universal Life Force; Life Energy, because when applied it vitalizes the whole system; Ether Wave, because it soothe pain and puts you into deep slumber as if under an anesthetic; and The Cosmic Wave, because it radiates vibrations of exultant feelings and lifts you into harmony. I shall call it "Reiki" because I studied under that expression,

Reiki is a radionic wave, like radio. It could be applied locally or as in short wave, a distant treatment could be successfully given. Reiki is not electricity nor radium nor x-ray. It could penetrate thin layers of silk, linen, porcelain or lead, wood or steel, because it comes from the Great Spirit, the Infinite. It does not destroy delicate tissues or nerves. It is absolutely harmless, therefore it is a practical and safe treatment. Because it is a universal wave, everything that has life benefits when treated -- plant life, fowl, the animals, as well as human beings, infants or old, poor or rich. It should be applied and used daily as a prevention,

God gave us this body, a place to dwell, and our daily bread, We were put into this world for some purpose, therefore, we should have health and happiness. It was God's plan so he provides us with everything. He gave us hands to use them to apply and heal, to retain physical health and mental balance, to free ourselves from ignorance, and live in an enlightened world, to live in harmony with yourself and others, to love all beings,

When these rules are applied daily, the body shall respond and all we wish and desire to attain in this world is within our reach. Health, happiness and the road to longevity, which we all seek -- I shall call this Perfection,

How to Attain this Power -- First Degree Initiation or "Shoden"

Being a universal force from the Great Divine Spirit, it belongs to all who seek and a desire to learn the art of healing. It knows no color, nor creed, old or young. It will find its way when the student is ready to accept. He is shown the way.

Initiation is a sacred ceremony and the contact is made because we are associating with the Divine Spirit, there is no error nor should we doubt, It is absolute,

The Hands are Ready to Heal

With the first contact or initiation, the hands radiate vibrations when applied to the ailing part. It relieves pain, stops the blood from an open wound; your hands are ready to heal acute and chronic diseases -- human beings -- the plants -- the fowl -- the animals. In acute cases, only a few minutes application is necessary. In the chronic cases, the first step is to find the cause and effect.

The Cause and Effect

It is not necessary to undress the patient completely, but it is better to loosen all tight clothing so that the patient may relax, lying on the table, face up. 

In order to concentrate, one must purify one's thoughts and meditate to let the energy flow through. The energy enters one and flows into the body about two inches below the naval.

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, concentrate on your thoughts and relax,

Close your hands together and wait for the sign. 

Kindly and gently apply the hands starting from the heart, downward.

The patient who is about to receive this treatment must purify his thoughts and feel comfortable with a desire to get well. 

One must not forget to feel grateful. Gratitude is a great cure for the mind.

In most cases, the patient could be diagnosed just by the touch of the hand. Most important is to find the cause of the illness.

Foundation Treatment (see text for specific positions--parenthesis mine, information from oral teachings, HK)

  1. Head -- eyes (follow optic nerve-eyeballs, temples, base of skull), ears, nose, .tongue, mouth and throat.
  2. .
  3. Front -- heart, chest, thymus, stomach, gall bladder, liver, pancreas, solar plexus, ileocecal, colon, sigmoid flexture(follow the ascending, transverse and descending colon), ovarian glands, bladder.

  4. Back -- shoulders, lungs, sympathetic nerves (apply fingertips), kidneys, spleen and prostate gland (both hands pressing on sacrum for this deep gland). (Also treat adrenal glands above kidneys; for last position, place left hand at top of spine and right hand at the base)
After the organs have been thus treated, I finish the treatment with a nerve stroke which adjusts the circulation. (Takata Sensei also taught a foot massage before the back massage: Foot raised at right angle to body; massage foot, ankles; rub calf towards heart, down and hard, Make a ring with both hands around the ankle and shake it.)

Back massage: Apply on the skin a few drops of sesame oil or any pure vegetable oil, I place my thumb and forefinger on the left side of the spinal column and three fingers and palm flat on the right side of the spinal column.' With a downward stroke, 10-15 strokes from the shoulders to the end of the spinal column, Only in diabetic cases are the strokes reversed; arms and legs are manipulated towards the heart, 

During the treatment, trust your hands. Listen to the vibrations of reaction. If there is pain, it registers pain in your fingertips and palm. If the patient has an itch, it reacts the same. If deep and chronic, it throbs a deep pain, or if acute, the pain is a shallow tingle.

As soon as the body responds to the treatment, the acute ailment disappears but the cause remains. Dig into the cause daily and with each treatment, improvement is seen.

The above treatment is called the foundation treatment and it requires an hour or more, all depending on the complications, and seriousness of the case. Going through the body in minute detail, the hands become sensitive and are able to determine the cause and to detect the slightest congestion within, whether physical or mental, acute or chronic. Being strictly drugless and a bloodless treatment, Reiki will adjust the body to normal. (Treat at least four consecutive days for chronic cases, weekly then improved.. First treat yourself, your family and friends).

In-my past 12 years of practice {this would place these comments circa 1948 – R.Rivard}, experience has taught me a few short cuts to find the cause and to get best results, In the following treatments, first use the foundation treatment, then concentrate longer on the vital points mentioned herewith: (See "A Guide to the Method of Healing"){this is the Hayashi table that Harue created - RR}.

The Purge or Reaction

In about four days to three weeks, we find a great change taking place within the body, all internal organs and glands begin to function with much vigor and rhythm. The digestive juices put out normal flow, the congested nerves slacken, the adhesions break away, the lazy colon gets organized, the fecal matter drops from the rails of the intestines, the gases are eliminated. Many years of accumulated toxin finds its way out through the pores. It is a sticky perspiration, The bowels increase, dark and strong in odor. The urine increases like dark tea, sometimes white as if flour is stirred in water. It lasts four to six days, and yet I have had patients who reacted with only one treatment.

When this is established, you are assured of a big general overhaul of the internal organs taking place. With such a good cleaning, the body becomes active, The numbed nerves regain a sense of feeling (sometimes registers as great pain), the appetite increases, sound sleep becomes natural, eyes sparkle, the skin glows like silk. With new blood and good circulation, nerves and glands restored, it is possible to rejuvenate five to ten years. At this time, it is very important what you consume.

The Diet

In the Reiki health treatments, we are vegetarians, and eat all kinds of fruit in season. Nature provides us with plenty, but never to waste,. Over-eating is a sin. Eating in moderation, with a feeling of gratitude, to recognize the Great Spirit who is the creator, who is the All Power to make things grow and blossom and bear fruit.

Come to the table with pleasant thoughts. Never eat when you are worried. Milk, white sugar, orange juice, pineapple juice and starches are to be avoided when the patient has a weak stomach. With proper food, the patient responds faster to the treatments,

Second Degree Initiation or "Oku Den"

When the student becomes well acquainted with the above treatments and has experience, with proof and testimonials, he is ready for the "Oku Den" or deeper knowledge. The student takes his second vow of initiation, which is a sacred ceremony.

With the knowledge of "Oku Den," the student has the advantage to help the subconscious mind for mental cases, correction of bad habits (i.e. smoking), nervous breakdowns, insomnia, long distance treatments; for depressed patients, to change their attitude so they will attain the brighter side of life. In treating mental cases, first find the cause. Remove the cause and the effect will not be there.

The Ideals (or Spiritual Precepts of Reiki)

Just for today--Thou Shalt not Anger
Just for today--Thou Shalt not Worry
Thou shall be grateful for thy many blessings
Earn thy livelihood with honest labor
Be kind to thy neighbors
There you have it -- "Reiki" -- the art of healing, It is simple, yet a complete treatment, with wonderful results, The babies show more appreciation because of its gentleness and effectiveness, This is the way of the Great Spirit. It can only do good.''
Hawayo Takata

 (Takata Sensei's early diary notes and the Japanese text by Hayashi Sensei are from a booklet, Reiki, by her daughter, Alice Takata Furumoto, 1982 - H.K.)

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