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What is Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki (SSR)?

Last Updated: October 23, 2009

Sekhem (pronounced "Say-kem") is an Egyptian word meaning power or might. Sekhem is also the Egyptian equivalent of the Indian term prana and the words chi and ki as used in the Orient to denote the all-encompassing essential force that binds the universe together and is present in all life. Sekhem is both all around us and in us. 

Seichim (pronounced "Say-keem") is living light energy as well as an ancient Egyptian system of healing wisdom. 
Reiki (pronounced "Ray-key") is a Japanese word meaning universal life force. 

Reiki and Seichim are standalone healing systems that until recently have been taught and applied separately. 

SSR is a healing matrix that is a unique integration of these three related, yet distinct, multidimensional energies. Sekhem, Seichim and Reiki work together as a unified trinity of sacred healing energies to completely balance and harmonize a person's physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. This expands the individual's capacity to carry more light and love and anchors and grounds the essential life force within his or her energy system. 

I took my SSR training from Tom Rigler in Japan in November 2000.  Tom was a student of SSR founder Diane Shewmaker and of Patrick Ziegler.  Patrick originated the Seichim system, now called SKHM.

Tom explains SSR as the following:

SSR complements and enhances traditional medical interventions. The high-frequency, vibratory light and sound energies of SSR help to activate a person's innate healing resources to support healing of acute and chronic disease as well as anxiety, fatigue, depression, stress and other symptoms that are produced by unbalanced thoughts, feelings and emotions. 

SSR encompasses the understanding that conditions and symptoms found in one level of a person's energy field usually have corresponding components in one or more of the other levels. For example, a physical symptom may have matching emotional, mental and spiritual components. As the subtle aspects of cause are addressed at these multiple levels, deeply held energetic blocks and constrictions are released, bringing the opportunity for improved health, more joy and love of living, higher levels of energy and vitality, greater creativity, increased mental clarity and focus, and improved relationships. 

As the healing process advances over time, it is also common for the recipient of SSR to have the experience of a new beginning and rebirth of life together with a greater sense of meaning and purpose and an expanded awareness of self in relation to the universal whole. Other reported benefits of SSR include deep relaxation, stress reduction, clearing of addictive patterns, emotional stability and greater self-esteem. SSR can also assist a person in finding his or her soul purpose, and in enhancing communication with his or her spirit guides, angels, the ascended masters and the Source of ALL LOVE. The positive effects of SSR are cumulative and will carry forward from session to session, building momentum as an individual moves through the healing process. 

SSR is an energy system that encompasses the full spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies available from the Source of ALL LOVE. Each of its three components plays a specific role that when combined with the others creates a unique synergy. Reiki anchors and grounds the healing vortex of the universal life force in the physical and subtle bodies and into the Earth. Reiki also assists in the early stages of opening the doorway or portal to accessing the many levels of one's higher nature. Where Reiki leaves off in this latter function, the multidimensional living light energy of Seichim takes over. Seichim dissolves barriers to the higher self, activates and strengthens the light body and opens and enhances one's connection to his or her angelic guides, the ascended masters and the Source of ALL LOVE

As the energies of Heaven and Earth come together to spiral, dance and become One within the heart, Sekhem balances and merges the physical and subtle bodies, unifying all polarities including masculine and feminine. The lotus blossom of the unified heart chakra bursts open and unfolds, bringing forth the eternal golden blue-white flame of what some call the indwelling Christ Consciousness and the I Am Presence. Thus, SSR is a trinity, defined by J.C. Cooper in An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols as a unity; a three-in-one and a one-in-three that creates unity in diversity, with the third (Sekhem) uniting the opposites (Reiki and Seichim). 

At the expansive level of the Source of ALL LOVE, all that exists is fully united in the One, including each of the components of SSR. In this realm of being, there is no duality or separation from the Creator -- no Heaven and Earth, masculine and feminine, dark and light, or love and fear. This is the true nature of the Sekhem energy - total oneness, harmony, peace and unification. It is this enlightened state of consciousness, health and well being in which we are seeking to live. 

At this stage of humanity's evolution, most people are not clear enough to handle this high level of energy without causing major distress in the circuitry of the human energy system. For this reason, the electromagnetic frequencies of Sekhem adjust themselves by stepping down their "voltage" to meet us where we are, which for the time being includes duality consciousness. Thus, the vibrational frequencies of Reiki meet us at the foundational level of our physical or Earth existence, then flow into Seichim, which helps us open to and connect with our divine or Heavenly nature and the infinite multidimensional frequencies available from the Source of ALL LOVE

Under the guidance of the recipient's higher self, just the right amount of pure Sekhem energy then flows into the "high octane" blend of SSR, facilitating the growth, integration, elevation and balancing of all levels of the individual's being. Another key component of this process is the building and widening of the central light column, which is a person's direct line to the Source of ALL LOVE as well as the mechanism for grounding the SSR energy stream into the cellular memory of the physical body and the Earth.

As the physical and subtle bodies of the human auric field begin to merge, a force field is created around the person that gradually allows the acceptance of greater and greater amounts of universal light frequencies without overwhelming the person's energy structure. This process in turn prepares the way for the oversoul to descend and live in the physical body. The oversoul is that already-perfected part of a person's consciousness that exists on the plane of universal love and wisdom. In this way, the SSR healing matrix assists the entire energy structure in becoming centered in and attuned to the unified heart chakra.

SSR is divided into 7 facets or levels.  The first 3 are the equivalent of many Reiki and Seichim Master level classes.  The last 4 facets lead to complete SSR Master. 

I teach this class only to experienced Reiki Masters and thus my version is an upgrade to SSR facet 3, plus the facets 4 through 7.  The 2 day class covers all attunements, symbols and aspects of the SSR system, plus various attunement methods - both the long and the short versions. 

A graduate of this class is able to teach Reiki, Seichim and SSR classes.

Please Note: This a Reiki Master level upgrade class . By upgrade,  I mean that the class assumes you already are a practicing Reiki Master and have the ongoing support of a previous teacher in the areas of class content, teaching Reiki classes, giving attunements, and the ethics and practices of a Reiki Master. 

Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki Class Details and Course Fees

What is Threshold Reiki?     What is Gendai Reiki Ho?

If you have comments or suggestions, CONTACT ME .  I will try to answer them all.